Dan Klarskov |
“My wish with my music is to create an atmosphere of deep honest feelings. I believe we all have these feelings inside and maybe the music of the blues can
bring them out. It is my hope that my music can be used both to discover these feelings of one's own, work on them, and, with a little help from some friends,
express them through music, dance and good company,” says Dan Klarskov.
“I first set eyes on the world in 1969. In 1980 I began playing the guitar, and with the leading Copenhagen blues club, Rådhuskroen (now called Mojo), as my second home I have been following the Danish blues scene since late 1985.
For the past 15 years I have been playing with inter alia Troels Jensen, Hans Knudsen, Diz Watson (UK), Earl Thomas (US), Anders Gaardmand, Erling Kroner, Bob Rockwell, Hugo Rasmussen, Ole “Fessor&lrdquo; Lindgreen, Danny Linde, L.P. Simonsen and Svend Zetterberg (S).
Being a machine engineer by trade I have been concentrating full-time on the music since early 1993.”
Apart from my playing professionally this has also meant working as a technician and DJ at Denmark's leading blues radio station, Christianshavn's radio, Radio Bluestime.
Troels Jensen, Kenn Lending and Hans Knudsen encouraged me to start my own band, and in 1995 Dan Klarskov & The Honeydrippers saw the light.”